The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

MAN CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 10., 1886. 3 HERAILWAY RECORD. A Few Observations on the Present Free Pass System.

'The Freight Situation--Call for 8 Passenger MeetingOther News. AS TO PASSES. The Lake Shore claims to be an excoption to the other lines in that it has not so far issued passes to any sbipper. If this is correct it is doing itself good service temporarily, but it is doing the public a greater service permanently? If the Lake Shore can hold to that poncy, and in time induce other lines to adopt it and rigidly maintain it, it is the PLAIN DEALER'S belief that a general improvement in the railway service will, be effected which will ultimately be of the greatest value to both shippers and travelers. The PLAIN DEALER has already expressed the belief that no greater spare exists any.

whor* than is to ba found in the pass system at present enforced. It is to the iuterest of the public far more than to the railway com. panies to have that system abolished It does not sound pleasant to call it so. but the unvarnished fact is, 8 puss, is a bribe. The only excusing and palliating feature of the whole system is that it has fallen into such common use that nearly evorybody stands upon a common plave of guilt.

But this really should ba no excuse. On the contrary, the fact that such A state of affairs exists should arouse the public to action in its own defense. The first movement should ba a vigorous one and should be directod toward the law makers. people of Obio this year seut one bundred and fortrseven men to the slate capital make laws for them. One of the most important features of necestary legislation IS that, regulating the relations ot railways tO the public.

The representatives of the people are supposed to deal with these question; with absolute impartiality. It is their. especial ness to create laws and provide for their el forcement which will give tha people their full rights in tow relatious with the railway companies. And yet we believe we are not far out of the way lu declaring that 140 out of the total 147 renresentatives the state regularly accept and lise railway passes. A radical remedy should be adopted to break up this system.

A law should by adopted declaring that any member of the gislature or any member of the judicial beuch who accepts 0 pass from aby railnay company should b9 deemed guilty of acceptiug a bribe, and should be punished accordingly. This may be radical, but it is unquestionably right. With such a law passed, is Would soon follow tat the salDe rule. would be applied to private individuals, including Dewspaper mea-and that would be unquestionably right, too. Thore should be no exceptions to the rule.

With an absolute value given for value received, casb basis, system enforcad, a radical retorm might soon ba worked in the sorvice the railways render the people. A way wight be found to ually prevent the discrimination by railways against individuals and business houses, as is even pow dove by the issue of adnua: passes to "beavy shippars" of coal, iron or live stock, wbile erall dealers are compelled to pay regular fare. But not only can this and other forms of disorimination be thus prevented, but, the railway companies ray at the same time be relieved of a large item of expense, it would soon follow that better service at uniformly lower rates wou'd be secured. Among other things passenger rates could be rednoed to 2 cents mile -but of this particular feature we shall have something further to say at ado her time. TAE FREIGHT SITUATION.

in not to be denied that there is a very unsettled feeling in freight circles on account of the Chessapaake Ohio live, just estab lished to Newport News, which is taking the buik of traflic from the regular pool lines. Figures produced at a recond meeting of the St. Louis committee ou eastbound freight traffic showed that tha daily shipments by that line were largely in excess of those by any of the other eastbound lines, and that during the past two weeks the Chesapeake Ohio has carried fully 60 per cent. of entire business from St. Louis to the seaboard.

There was also reliable evidence to prove that a good deal of this busimesa has beeu taken at rates much lower than the regular tariff, less the agreed The members of the St. Louis committee dis. cussed the situation at great length and finally adopted aud telegraphed Commissioner Fink this resolution: "That the trunk lines be requested to make some defloite arrangement with. the Chesapeake Obio railway to govern business destined to Richmond, Newport News, Washington, Baltimore, New York and other eastere points which will effect a strict maintenanca of tbe present or such other differential rates as may D3 agreed upon; aleo to arrauge, if possible, toat daily statistics bo furnished the joint agent bowing shipments, routes, etc. It an absolute aud satisfactory arrangement for the maintenance of rates and the agreed differentials cannot be consummated at once, the St.

Louis lines are empbatic in their position that in justice to their interests they bould be allowed to take such measures to protect themselves as in tueir judgment seem proper." During the latter part of last it is known that the Vanderbilt managers bad a consultation at Chicago with Commissioner Blanchard, after which the latter burried an ay to New York, where it is believed he and Commissioner Fink are going to try and figure out some 801t of a plan to prevent she diversion of freight to the Chesapeake Ouio and some other lines engaged in rate cutting. READING REORGANIZATION. Drexel, Morgan Co. are expected to issue circular this week explaining fully their schome for a reorganization of the Reading railroad company, about which Well street has beau excitedly speculating for 8 week or more past, A waa who claims inside knowledge of the project autborized 8 briet outliue yesterday of what he says the plao is to be. ben Reading advanced to 325 share last exclaimed this man, "atories were circulated to the effect tat Pennsylvania railroad' frieuds were the buyers and tuat they bad acquired the large Vanderbilt interest in the company.

This was true. Tao Pennsylvania gyudicate did buy a large block of the Reading stock and juuior securities, and it really elected Mr. woweu president, and Mr. Gowen Is likely to be induced to co-operate with that syndicate. In the syndicate are Drexel, Morgan Jobu Lowber Welen, B.

K. Jami800 A. J. Cassatt and 8 number of New Yorkers well known in Wall street, The plan in details is likely to be the issue of $100,000,000 4 per cent. Reading bouds guaraureed by Pennsylvania, just as West Spore 43 were issued guaranteed toy Nery York Contral.

These will be used retire bonds beld in escrow to $33,000,000, general mortgage bouds amounting to $25,000,000, junior securities scaled to $2:4,000,000, waking a total of $80,000,000, and leaving a balance OC hand awounting to $20.000,000 4Tbe stock 1s to ba assessed $10 per ball share, or $20 per full share, giving $7,000.000 casb, or with the bonds $27,000,000 to soccle with creditors, etc. 'The rontals aro to be cut down and creditors settled with just as North River construction, West Shore terwinals, West Spore receivers' certiticates, floating debt, were settled. The fired charges and rentala will be reduced to' nut wore than $10,000.000. coal combination part is that the Lebigh Valley will control the Jersey Central. Lehigh Valley has been operated in the interest of tho Pennsylvania, and will be.

Tue production of coal last year was: Reading 11,680,700 tons. Lobigh Valley tons, Pennsylvania 3,393,000 tons, waving a total of 21.241,700 tops. Lackawanua wined $00 tona. This wade too grand total of 200,500 tons. Lackawanna stock bas en boughs by syndicate, aud the syndicate will probably be represented in the directory to be elected February 23.

Lackawanna joins the combination and 88 per cont. of the anthracite production is controlled. Erie will make no trouble, and the Delaware Hudson and coal, with 000 tops, can do no harm and will probably wheel into Messrs. Drexel, Morgan Co. declined to say whether pot this was a correct outliue of their proposed plan.

A friend of that firm, however, quoted Mr. Morgan as saying that it had enough truth in it to guide the public for the time. CALL FOR A PASSENGER MEETING. The following call has been issued by Commissioner Daniels: To All General Passenger and Ticket Agents of Lines Interested in the Passenger Committee of the Central Traffic Association: By request of Mr. George I.

Blanchard, commissioner of the 'central traffic association, a meeting of all general passenger and ticket agents interested in the passenger committea of said association, is bereby called at the Grand Pacitic botel, Chicago, Thursday, February 18, at 10 o'clock a. m. As this 13 to be a very important meating, it is hoped that every general passenger and ticket agent interested in the above committee will be present. GEORGE H. DANIELS, Chairman pro tam.

Thera appears to be considerable significance atrached to the fact that this meeting is calied by the request of Commissioner Blanchard. From this it is inferred that at least some sort of an understanding bas been reached by the presidents and general wanagers concerning ratification of the passager agreement, although no report whatever of such action has beea made. If this be correct, air the agreement of the general passenger agents is assented to by the managers, then it will follow that the work to do at Chicago will be the organization of at competing points between Buffalo, Salamanca aud Pittsburg and Chicago, including Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati and other points. Furthermore, it it be correct that the managel's have ratified or even informally conRented to the passenger agreement as lated, auotter important point has been gained, for that agreement involved the adoption or rejection of differential faros between the east and west, which the Erie has all along insisted upon and the Pennsylvania company persistently opposad. If the agreeIneut bas been adopted, the Pennsylvania company has, like Donna Julia, even while vowing it would ne'er consent.

DR. WEBB'S WORK. The Now York Central sleeping car company has leased the bops of the West Shore at Buffalo for thirty years. 'The sbops will at once be completed and extended at an pense of about $200,000. Toe company will use the shops for the construction of its own cars.

They will have capaciry for oighty cars at a time. Dr. Webb, the president of the New York Central sleeping car compaoy, has just taken a step wbioh is sure to increase his popularity with the employes. He has ciied to incroase the salaries of sleeping car conductors about 25 per believing that it will increase the eflicioncy of the service 80 materially that the company will be the gainer thereby in the end. The salaries will be graded, makivg toe maximum $100 par month.

Under this arrangement an inducament is beld out to conductors to secure the maximum salary by steady, efficient and honest work. TRANSCONTINENTAL MEETING. NEW YORK, Fab. meeting of the representatives of the Transcontipental lines, for the purpose of pooling their issues in regard to freight and passenger traffic, was bold today at the Windsor hotel. Among the roads represented were the Deaver Rio Grando western railWAJ, the Atchisou, Topeko Santo Me railroad, the Atlantic Pacific, tho Southern Pacific, Burlington Missouri river, Northoru Pacific, Oregon Railway and Navigation compaDy, Texas Pacilic, Missouri Pacific Oregon short and Union P'acitic railWaY.

P. Cannon, goneral ageat of the Jackson of the Atcuison, Topeka Santa Fa meeting, and after the election of William Trauscontinental association, opened the railroad as chairman, the meeting was adjourned until tomorrow to await the arrival of expected delegates. THREE BOTTLES of Atblophoros bare eutirely reliaved my brotherivlaw, Louis Zitmering, of rheumatism, which forwerly troublad him, and he can work witbout the least inconvenience. William Sommors, foremao for B. F.

McMillan Bro, McMillan, Wis. THREE MEN FROZEN, TO DEATH. Hungarian Laborers in West Virginia Fall Victims to the Cold Weather. PLAIN DEALER Special. WELLSVILLE, Feb.

courier just arrived from Hanco*ck county, W. natural gas field opposite here, reports that three Hungarians were frozen to death in wilds of that region last Friday nigbt. The unfortunates were members of tho gang brought from Pittsburg to repiace home laborers who were workiog on the pipe line to East Liverpool and this placo. seems from reports that at the conclusion their day's work the three foreigners entered a barn with the intention of sleepisg there for the night. The night was an exceedingly cold ono and in the morning they were found dead.

Details are meager as the scone of the occurrence is an isolated spot far removed from the telegraph aud the roads in an almost impassable condition. Crushed Under a Log Team. P'LAIN DEALER Special. FREMONT, Feb. Lamala met with a sad death north of Lindsey, this county, yesterday afternoon.

While bauling logs on a sled the load was overturned and he was 50 crushed about the bead that he died at midnigbt. The deceased lived in Ottawa county, five miles north of Lindsey, and loaves a wife and three children. Orrrille Notes. PLAIN DEALER Special. trip.

Reported Capture of Nois wander, PLAIN DEALER Special. ORRVILLE, Feb. store of A. G. Carl of Shreve, a small town west of this place, was burglarized last night and goods to the amount of $200 taken.

No clue. William Thompson, Lodi saloonise, arrested bore some time ago while on bis way to Oregon, will pay $50 Ana and serve fifteen days in the workhouse at Cleveland for selling liquor to miuors before resuming his Oregon WOOSTER, Feb. TuscaraWAS couaty, authorities telegraph the infirmary superintendent here that a man answering the description of Nei wander, the escape lunatic, is under arrest at tbas place. The superinteudent will go after bim. A Remarkablo Distribution.

The 138th Grand Monthly Drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery occurred as usual at 11000 on Tuesday, January 12th. The First Prize of $75,000 was won by No. 24,945, sold in 6fths at $1.00 each-two held by M. Ditrichsteio, care of M. Gross, No.

3 Chambers st. New York city; one to J. F. Benson, care of Jo Bachr, No. 927 Main Kansag City, one to Isidor Schwartz Kansas City, paid through the Bank of Commerce there.

The Second Prize of $25,000 was won by No. 84,321, also sold in tifths at $1 each -one held by Burnside, Cincionati, 0., paid through Southern Express company, who paid another fifth to Josepb Wittenkeller of Chicago, one to A. R. Simmons, No. 936 Elm Manchester, N.

etc. No. 70,658 drew the Third Prize also sold in fifths at $1,00 each-one to W. A. urner, No.

10 Third street, one to J. B. Martin, No. 603 Howard street, both of San Francisco, paid through Wells, Fargo express; one held by J. Broetzman of Houston, where also dwell J.

C. Kleinfelder who held another dollar's worth, oneffth, etc. No. 56,253 drew the fourth prize held by J. W.

Barnes of the Wiodsor hotel, Kansas City, paid through the Bank of Commerce there. No. 20,560, held -in Sau Francisco, drew the otter fourth prize eto. The extraordinary grand quarter drawiDgs have al wave been mauaged by erals G. T.

Beauregard of Louisiana and Jubal March A. 16, when Early of Virginia on Tuesday, $522,500 was distributed by the laws of chance. COURT CALENDAR. COMMON PLEAS COURT. ROOM I--JUDGE M'KINNEY.

'25262 -Sanford, trustee, va. Kummer et al. Motion by plaintiff to require defendants to separately state and number defenses sot forth in their answer; also to require defendant, Mary Kummer, to separately answer allegations of petition and to separately state and number defenses sustained. ROOM 2-JUDUE HEISLEY. 21008-McReynolde vs.

'Valley railway compauy. Op trial. ROOM 3-JUDGE STONE. 25013-Gawo et al. vs.

Cleveland cotive stove company. Settled. Costs paid. No record. 28188-Brett vs.

Blabd et al. Arguments in progress. ROOM 4-JUDGE JONES. 21615-Au Sable transportation company va. Greenbalgh.

Verdict for plaintiff for $400. 24797-Bassett Co. vs. Akermanet al. Arguments in progress.

ROOM 5-JUDGE HAMILTON. vs. Foster et al. Heard aud submitted. 25720-Lawis, executor, vs.

Critchley et al. Interlocutory decree for sale of property on cross petition of A. J. Farron for amount admitted by pleadings. See journal and case continued As to all other issues.

25732-Beifuss V8. Beifuss. Dismissed for want of prosecution. 25805-Mouroe Bros. Co.

va. Rode et al. On trial. CRIMINAL COURT -JUDGE LAMSON. No business of importance transacted.

NEW CASES. 27811-Iu re change of name of (leorge Burr Stahl, by H. Clark Ford, his next friend. L. W.

Ford for plaintiff. 27812-State of Obio vs. Thomas Masurke. Cutting with intent to wound. 27818-Same vs.

Alfred Smith, Murder. 27814-Ann C. Smith vs. J. W.

Veny. Money only. Stewart Johnson for plaintiff. 27815-R. W.

Mana vs. F. A. Combs. Appeal by defendant.

27816-H. H. Little vs. G. M.

Graham et al. Money and to subject lands. E. Sowers for plaintiff. 27817-Katharina Steinwedel vs.

Heinrich Stein wedel. Divorce, change of name aud relief. Smith Hart for plaiatiff. 37818-George Lawrenca vs. Teresa Lawreace.

Appeal by defendant. 27819-William B. Neal the Arctic ice machine manufacturing company. Money only. A.

T. Brewer for plaintiff. 2782-William Beckenbach et al. vS. Charles Koebler.

Money only. Everett, Dellenbaugb Weed for plaintiff. 27821-A. A. Stoppel vs.

Charles Brenner et al. Money only. J. H. Hardy for plaintiff.

A. Wright "VS. Benjamin Weaver. To correct description of deeds, remove cloud on title and for equitable relief. Sherman Hoyt for plaintiff.

Advice to Motnere. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always used when children are cutting teeth. 'it relioves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "brigut as a button." It is very pleasant to tasta. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or otber causer.

25 cents a bottle. Licensed 1 to Marry. Emmet E. Coe -Alice A. Fish.

Willis P. Chase -Minnie 8. White. William Beard -Susan Harpor. TRADE MARK JACOBS OIL GERMAN REMEDY Rheumatism, Neuralgia, For Pain A'r Backache, PRICE, DRUGGISTS Headache, FIFTY Bruises, AND CENTS.


OUGH URE Absolutely Free from Opiates, Kinetics and Poison. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. 25 Cts.

AT DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER. DALTIMORE, MD. FULLER'S Carpet Cleaning Works, Quincy At Pittsburg Railroad Crossing.

Telephones DIED. DILLOW--In Brecksville on Monday, February Mrs. P'ERLIE M. DILLOW. The funeral will take place from her late resi denoe in Brecksville, Wednesday at 1 p.

SPOTZ- February 7, in Parma, 0., JOHN B. SPOTZ, aged 21 years and 25 days. Funeral from his late residence Wednesday, 10th at 1 p. m. 10 WANTED -FEMALE HELP.

Domestics. WAD housework. A Apply competent at 858 girl Bolton for. ave. general 12 -Girl for general housework at 160 Dodge need not apply unless perfectly competent.

12 WANTED no -A othor good I need girl to apply. do 15 general Orange house- st. 11. ANTED -A competent girl to cook. wash and iron.

Inquire at 1394 Euciid ave. 10 WANTED BY who a small does general family, a good housework Gerneatly. Address 190 Clinton st. J1 petent ANTED--At German 203 girl for Kennard A A A geueral street, a housework. comReferences required.

30 Miscellaneous. WANTED recommendations -Immediately a wet between nurse. and Apply 12 at Dr. Schneider's office, No. 191 Prospect street.

12 PERSONAL. PERSONAL the U. same O. B. mind at and 1:30, will January write again, giving an address by which a letter will reach them, I will be pleased to make the desired arrangements.

H. Clark, clairvoyant modium and fortuneteller, 102 Ohio st, Real Estate. W. D. 1 Alexander and wife to Hermann Stern, 30 feet on Ohio 4,000 00 Albert Dolman to Oramel Gould, 5) feot on Bell 650 00 D.

P. Putnam and wife to 8. P. Churchill. 250 feet on Superior 4,250 00 Martinke and wife to Rozalie Ruechtik, part of original lot 318,...

800 GO Mary A. Benidict to S. R. Houlder, 30 feet on Liberty street. 1,300 00 Hermann Stern and wife to W.

D. B. Alexander, 4) feet on Beckwith 1,000 00 Martemer Landphair and wife to Solomon Pease, land in 1,860 00 IV. S. Streator to J.

G. Warren, 40 feet on Walters a 1,000 00 Deaths. The following deaths were reported at the health office yesterday: Clara Harrison, 5 2472 Union, bronchitis. Ethel M. Robbies, 2 98 Muirson, congestion of the bowels, Joseph Multer, 191 Starkweather, marasmus.

Infant 21 Marion, infantile debility. Infant Katz, 2 52 Cross. meningitis. Ella F. Kenney, 32 34 Ocean, typhoid.

Contagious The following cases of contagious disease were reported at the bealth oftice yesterday: Scarlet. 340 Grand, No. 123 Scott, No. 865 Pairmount. Licensed 1 to Marry.

Catarrh Cured Catarrh is a very prevalent disease, with distressing and offensive symptoms. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives ready relief and speedy cure, from the fact it acts through the blood, and thus reaches every part of the system. 4 I suffered with catarrh years. Took Hood's Sarsaparilla and I am not troubled any with catarrh, and my general health is much better." I. W.

LILLI9, Postal Clerk Chicago St. Louis Railroad. "I suffered with catarrh 6 or 8 years; tried many wonderful cures, inhalers, spending nearly hundred dollars without benefit. I tried Hood's Sarsaparilla, and was greatly M. A.

ABBEY, Worcester, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla is characterized by three peculiarities 1st, the combination of remedial agents; 2d, the proportion; 3d, the process of securing the active medicinal qualities. The result is a medicine of unusual strength, effecting cures hitherto unknown. Send for book containing additional evidence. "Hood's Sarsaparilla tones up my system, purifies my blood, sharpens my appetite, and seems to make me over." J.

P. THOMPSON, Register of Deeds, Lowell, Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparilla beats all others. and is worth its weight in gold." I. BARRINGTON, 130 Bank Street, New York City.

Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. six for $5. Made only by C. I. HOOD Lowell, Mass.

100 Doses One Dollar. WANTED-SITUATIONS-FEMALE. Domestics. -Situation by young girlto do general houso work or to assist. Inquire at 490 Lake st.

15. WANTED Situation a to do laundry, general Call or house- address 49 lick in the rear. 16 WANTED to do Situation general by housework middle-aged in prirate tamily. Address Box 118, Plain Dealer office. 15 assist or take care of.

chilSituation by girl 15. old to dren. Call 266 Lake st. 16 WANTED- st. -Situation as second girl.

Address 16 WANTED small -Situation family. to do, Address general Box 179, Plain Dearer ottice. 15 TANTED- -Situation by a colored girl to do in a private family. Please call or address 444 Erie best of reference. 14 man girl to do kitchen by a work in competent restaurant.

GerAddress Box 182, Plain Dealer office. 14 WANTED Situation by second a work young or girl assist who in housework. Address Box 188, Plain Dealer office. 14 WANTED -Situation girls; best to of do city general housereferences. Address 92 Delaware st.

16 WANTED cooking Situation by an washing: American first girl class to reference. Apply at 18 Hackman for two days. 11 Situation second girl: can give the city reference. Please call at 51 Parkman st. 12 WANTED do Situation work by or a assist in German housework.

669 St. Clair st. 3 15 Situation by good girl to do second work; goods worker. Apply 21 King st. I 3 15 WANTED econd Situation in by' a 'private young family; lady rood to reference.

Please call at :182 Orange rear. 14 WANTED housework. -Situation Call by at tiro 101 girls Pearl to do 15 genWASTE or second by. a girl. capable Please girl ad- a8 dress E.

Plain Dealer 14 in: (restaurant or chamber work in 8 hotels! Address Box 177, Plain Dealer office. .16 WANTED city -Situation reference; to do Address general 133 Walnut housest. No postals answered, 16 Mi Sp work: city reference. Address 52 Walnut Situation to do' general housest. 15 WANTED Situation best of in city a private family; Call for two days 180 Erie st.

18 gecond give good references. Situation by reliable young girl Address Kato Burke, 931 Euclid avo. 13 WANT general housework by two in private English girls family; to would prefer to work together, but will work separate. Address Box 151, Plain Dealer office. 13 WASTER housework: by good 8.

good city girl reference. to do Address Box 146, Plain Dealer office. 11 WANTED Situation to family. do general Address house- Box 126, Plain Dealer office. 10 WANTED private Situation at once Please as call second at girl 92 Garden st.

10 Miscellaneous. WANTED -Situation go out to by do the laundrywork, by com- to petent woman. Call or address rear 32 Bolivar st. 15 WANTED in Situation 01' out as of city; housekeeper widower's by family preferred. Address, for one week, Box 181, Plain Dealer ofice.

16 -Situation by woman as first class cook: good references. Apply at Wheeler place. 14 TANTED- siouation by a competent housereferences. Address 1 Wheeler place. 14 WANTED, Situation week by or take home.

seamstress Apply at 75 Marion for one week. 12 by a young lady as laundress in private family; good reference. Please call at No. 2 Hunter st. 14 -Sewing by the day or week by an hand.

Reference giveu. Address Box 173, Plain Dealer office. 12 WANTED experienced dressmaker; by the day to or reference. week Address Mrs. Scott, 37 lligh st.

'12 WANTED wishes a position An to educated wait on German an invalid or take charge of an infant or more children; darns and repairs neatly. Please address Miss Schade. postoflioe, city. 13 -Situation by a woman as housekeeper for widower or elderly gontleman and wife. Address J.

A. Wells, city postoffice, general delivery. 18 WANTED housekeeper Situation by widower young or widow nurse lady for lady, sewing or care of children: Hood reference. Address Mrs. V.

L. Piain Dealer office. 14 housekeeper family; no objection Situation by American widow at going out of the city. Address Mrs. M.

Cambell, city postoffice. 12 WANT child wishes young home; widow and with small four wages yoar in exchange for housework, sewing or nursing. Address Box 143, Plain Dealer office. 10 Situation competent to' do troman washing to take and home or go out. Inquiro at 60 Danford st.

10 WANTED Family washer and washing Tronor. to take Call or home address Mrs. R. Blaok, Sturtevant block, Room 5. 10 cents per washing and ironing 50 Washing at home; rough dry 25 ceuts.

Address 82 Eric ground floor. 10 WANTED -AGENTS Apply 8 to 12 quick a. selling 7 to 9 line p. of Empire house. .11 WANTED to Gentlemen and newly ladies patented :0 sell article from never on the market before.

Send stamp for circulars, Perry, 310 Van Buren Chicago. 10 WANTED and General expenses, agents, or 50 $25 cents per on week the dollar, to wholesale my goods: a rare chance. Address F. M. Weaver, with stamp, Erie, Pa.

WANTED-ROODS. WANTED To over rent $8. four near the rooms square, with by closets, two widows. Address, for one veer, Boa 180, Plain Dealer office. 12 WANTED SITUATIONS-MALE.

Salesmen. WANTED gents' -Situation as furnishing clothing, salesman; hat best and of reference. Address Box 150, Pain Dealer office. 15 -Situation as dry goods salesman; salary no object to start. Address Box 150, Plain Dealer office.

13 tered as pharmacist, as ten drug years' clerk. experience, regiscan speak German. Address "Clerk, care G. S. stein, M.

Columbus, 0. 10 WANTED has -Situation sold gooas, by both experienced wholesale salesAll through northern Ohio; good Address I. Elyria, 0. 11 Situation in some first class store as clerk by a young man of good address; good at figures and cau give rond references if required, Address J. Carberry, 220 River st.

10 WASTED experience; by would a take druzgist the of man- 13 agement of the business; no objection to going outof the city. Address Box 127, Plain Dealer 1 10 -Situation as by an can experienced furnish shipping salesman: 15 years' fret class reference. Address Box 171, Plain Dealer office. 15 ANTED- Situation, person temporary accustomed to or ortice perwork; would work cheap. Address C.

W. 12 Hickox st. 15 WANTED years' -Situation experience; as bill or good entry reference. clerk; Address Box 174, Plain De ler office. 15 rapid Den married: moderate weekly Situation in an ofice by good wages required.

Address William, 463 St. Clair st. 13 ANTED experience in by clerical a young banking man busi- of ness, or in freight depart rent of railroads. Address Box 136, Plain Dealer office. 11 desires engazument; accept situation First olass accounttemporary work, closing or opening books, restoring lost balance.

Address E. Brefo, 202 St. Clair st. 10 Trades. hand or charge of a shop in -Situation by haker, second a country town; three years' experience; reference given.

Address Baker, Lock Box 1, Medina, 0. 12 ANTED paperhanging or to kalsomining; do house will painting. work cheap; also upholstering, chair caning and varnishing. Address L. Gardner, general delivery, city.

12 WA Apply ANTED at 4 -Situation Ellsworth by st. a first class barber. 15 -Situation -By a first. class custom cutter and practical tailor, have had several years' exporience and can give rood references. Address A.

J. Klecka, box 93, Wellington, 0. 14 -Situation by 'young printer: able to set 6,000 cis per day. Address Box 124 Plain Dea, er otti e. 10 Stenographers.

-Situation by Rn experienced stenographer; operates either caligraph or typewriter. Address Box 156, Plain Dealer oftice. 0013 salary not Situation Inuca by a an shorthand object a8 writer: permanent position. Address C. Plain Dealer office.

10 -Situation to do night work by an expert stenographer and typewriter operator. Address Box 132, Plain Dealer offico. 10 Coachmen. WANTED family; -Situation as understanas coachman horses in a pri- and furnace; willing to do any thing abont the house: good reference. Address S.

No. 2 Schlely court. 15 Miscellaneous. WANTED -Situation freman, five by years' young man, experience, is a or night watchman: will give. good satisfaction or no pay: good reference if required.

Address J. L. 491 Pearl st. 16 variety. business.

by, Address Gus Catlin, piauist: understands Lake st. 16 perience TANTED-A at young magnetic man of springs four desires years' eL- exployment; used to taking care of persons subject to rhumation, and make himself generally useful about the place: will give good reference if required. Address J. B. 544 Pearl st.

16 WANTED Situation by 910 boy of Superior 15 for st. any 10 WANTED. aged as by a fireman, respectable watchman mar: or any place of trust; good reference. Address Joseph Scott, 37 High st. 15 WANTED some -Situation by farmer a 01 competent gentleman's man in oity; understands care of horses.

Address Box 02, South Cloveland, 0. 15 WANTED do all repairing as janitor such in as a painting block, and repairing free. Address Wm. 369 St. Clair at.

15 WANTED Situation any by a kind boy 13 of years work; of willing to learn good trade. Address Box 175, Plain Dealer office. 15 WANTED of city; in good office or bond. as collector Address Box 176, Plain Dealer office. 15 WA perienced TANTED-Situation man.

on Addreag 0. or farm call31 by an Seneca oxst. W. Gover. 13 TV ANTED -Situation wholesale by house young at any married kind man of work: best of reference can be given.

Address Box 172, Plain Dealer office. 13 WANTED -Position to fine drive horses and delivery carriages; wagon understands the care of horses thoroughly and can give the best of references; with one gentleman over5 years: willing to work cheap. Address box 110, Plain Dealer offee. 13 Work of any kind, one who care of horses. good driver.

Address 17 Dyke street. 18 to drive a delivery wagon by a married man well acouainted with the city; wages not so much all obiect as steady work. Address IV. W. Plain Dealer office.

12 WANTED kind of work. by a boy Address 16 oars I Box old 142, to Plain Dealer office. 19 WANT willing to work by at an any energetic kind of young work; beat of reference. Address rear of 49 Lioks st. 12 by a young man of 17 WV 88 light porter, bellboy, etc.

Address Box 147, Plain Dealer office. 12 WANTED himself useful by about a young store man or de- to liver goods: understands the grocery Address Box 139, Plain Dealer office, 11 by a young man who is willing to work at anything; 18 years' 8X- Derience as salosman, cashier and assistant bookkeeper in hardware house. Address Box 137, Plain Dealer office. 11 -Situation in office or Wholesale house by boy 10 years old, living with parents; object permanent business: good reference given. Address Box 138, Plain Dealer office.

11 WANTED -Situation anything. by boy Address 15 255 years St. old Clair to st. 11 WANTED olass Situation in waiter hotel or or any thing; restaurant 14 years' experience. by young man: first class reference civen.

Address Box 134, Plain Dealer 10 -A bight, smart boy of 14, a fair penman, well acquainted with the city and best of references. Address box 131. Plain Dealer office. 10 WANTED of ligat by work; will middle-aged do bis pian. best for board and washing.

Address Widower, Hickox st. 10 by a boy 16 years of age, willing to learn a trade. Address 137 Orange st. 10 WANTED old; can by speak a young four man different 22 languages and is willing to do any kind of work. address Box 123, Plain Doaler office.

10 WANTED-BOARDERN. per week with room. 21 Fulton close to the circle, 11. WANTED -MALE HELP. WANTED Address Painter.

and P'lain painter for Dealer one office. 11 TV one who -A has boy some from 15 experience to 18 years tending of age, bar and running to trains; German preferred: must begin at low wages. Lakeview House. 12 WANTED 10 a. 12 to 17 and 15 79 yeara of Merwin age.

st. Ap-Intelligent, enerzetic, first class macbinist to take of departinent; references required. Address Corporation, care of carrier 38. 10 -A stenographer who has had experionce; must be accurate in tigures and a good nevinan, with satisfactory recommendations. Address S.

8., care letter carrier 32. 14 TV building TWO good Immediately. carpenters Inquire to work 1331 Garden st. 10 WANTED church -Men choir. with good Lessons in voices vocal for music Tringiven in return for services.

Apply at the guild room of Trinity church. feb 21 TED -Men; any man or woman making less than $40 poc week should investigate our easy money-making business: we offer energetic persons the best chance on earth to make money: $1 samples free to those meaning business. An agent writes: "Your plan brings the money quickest of any I over tried." Address with stump for papers, A. C. Merrill Chicaco, Ill.

WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED condition No. 1 and caligraph; cheap for must cash be down. Inquire of M. I.

Sutlet, No. 6 Rouse block. 11 WAN Nebraska-200 -Heiferg Grade and Mares Ilereford for a or ranch Short- in horn Heifers or Young Cows, bred to Re riste red Hereford Bulls. and four Hereford Bulls. Also :00 Grade.

or large native Mares bred to Norman or Shirl Stallions. Address, with full particulars and price, E. M. McGillin Co. feb23 -Old rags, suitable for wiping machinery, at Plain Dealer office.

no14tf TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN and $3,000 on city property: also any amount in suit on city or farm security. L. A. Stratton, 170 Superior st.

11 CONEY Cleveland TO propert: LOAN--In or on sums farms: to suit, will also on buy mortgage notes. Apply to M.S. llogan, 222 Superior near store. 13 TO -On L. colatterals in sums to suit at rates.

W. Munroe, 211 Superior st. feb9tf 10 Money LOAN loaned -Money on loaned collateral on real securities. estate. Mortgare notes bought and sold.

Samuel 8. Marsh, 286 Superior over lower Higbe's. 1eb20 MINES TO and in LOAN-On suns to furniture, suit; strictly watcher, confidential. U. A.

2 Blackstono block. on real estate securities in suing to suit applicant. E. J. Weil, No.

23 Public square, Perking' block. notti TO of real LOAN--I estate have in city money or to loan country, on at all lowest kind: rates, and purchase mortgage notes. I. Wain, 190 Superior Room 2. FOR RENT-HOUSES.

FOR RENT conveniences, in luding residence, steam 18 heating, rooms, all all in good order, admirably adapted for boarding house. on Huron near Erie. Apply to J. G. WV.

Cowles, 230 Superior st. Telepbone 1077.110 FOR Madison ave, RENT-House seven at rooms, 11 Home lake water. off 12 East FOR Sibley RENT-An west e. of ceedingly Sterling, with 10 rooms, place furnace, lauudry, price very reasonable to desirable tenant. Also one on Cedar.near Case and a long list ranging in price from $10 per month upward.

Inquire of M. Wain, 190 Superior Room 2. TOR RENT -At $15 per mouth, large, house with fine lawn, barn, chicken on Ruclid, near Lakoviow. Address William B. Bolton.

novotf FOR opposite RENT-Stearns Case school, two near. nearly Euclid new brick dwellings, eight rooms, gas and water, $18 per month. Inquire Room No. 6 Rouse block. octlitf FOR ments on RENT--Two Cedar east comfortable of frame Fairmount $9 aud $10 per month; also one tenement on Fairmount near Euclid, $10 per month.

Inquire loom No. 6 Rouse block. octlitt FOR RENT -ROOMS. Nicely furnished rooms in central location, conveniences, and cold water, at reasonable terms; private family. 473 Superior, just above Erie.

10 FOR RENT--Two for furzished rooms, one with fire, suitable one or two routicmon; rent reasonable. 61 Eagle at. 11 FOR with RENT- One or two at furnished roonis gentlemen, 538 Payne near Muirson left-hand side. 22 FOR REN Water reference rooms given fond rent, required. No.

14 TOR RENT--A nicely furnished room at 11 22 Seneca st. FOR furnished room, with or and without mire, upwards at for 142 Broadway. 10 Fairmount. court, corner E.1- chid ave. and Fairmount one suite of three rooms and closets for light housckeeping.

F8 per month; also suite of rooms, $8 per month, and single room with large closet and alcove, $7 per month, octi7tt FOR RENT-STORES. -Stores at 73 a id 73 Michigan near Ontario, formerly occupid by the Cleveland Window Glass plate-glass front; splendid location. Apoly at 132 Champain Clereland Window Glass Co. Jan26tf FOR street at $1,000 and of the $1,800 best per stores year: on also Water on at 8900 per year. Il.

Wain, 190 Superior st. 1a3-tt FoRd for RENT-Store grocery in or East dry goods; Cleveland on excellent Lulocation. Inquire at 6 louse block. jy24tf FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR avenue RENT--In and Sheriff street, Block, desirable coruer Euclid oftice room; alto large light sleeping rooin second floor.

Inquire No. 6 Rouse Block. ocirtf NOTICES. Mr. C.

E. in Crawford our firm, has been and ad- ill mitted as a partner hereafter have exclusive chargo of our city. trade. 'A. TEACHOUT CO.

11 DIVIDEND of the Board NOTICE-Dividend of Directors No. 23. of the At Brush Eleotrio Company held this day a quartorly dividend of 1 per cent. was deolared on the capital stock of the company, payable at the office of the company, Belden February 15, 1886. WM.

F. SWIFT, Secretury. Cleveland, 0., Feb. 2, 1885. MISCELLANEOUS.

PILES! PILE in eight days by a new reinedy; no pain, no salve, but an entiroly new procoss; patients treat themselves. For further particulars inclose stamp and address, Dr. J. M. Me Laughlin, Butler, 0.

11 E' in this city (established sate 1831), the repre- old335 fonting only first-class fast and steamers, Etruria, Servia, Aurania, Gallia, Alaska, Orgon, Arizoua, America, City of Roma, Egypt, Furnessla, Deronia, Werra, Pulda, Ciba, Eider, Ems, Main, lamraonia, Wieland, Westphalia, Western laud, Belgenland, Noordland, at lowest rates. For cabin and steerage tickets apply to Wagner's European Passage, Foreign Exchange and Railroad Ticket Office, 173 and 180 Superior st. (opposite Dime musoum). Telephone 903. J.

U. Wagner Bro. AUCTION SALE. UCTION! AUCTION! C. Ellis, Auctioneer.

Thursday, or February 11, at of 10 o'clock, stock Grocories and furniture, damaged by fire, of L. lubenstein, cor. St. Ciair and Wood sts. Everything usually found in a first class grocery, flour, teas, coffees, sugars.

syrup, soaps, spices, platform and counter scales, etu. Also a large quantity of household goods, carpets, bedsteads, bureaus, washstands, mattre sos, spring beds, base burner, cook store, beating stores, tables, dishes, etc. Many of the goods are only slightly damaged aud a great opportunily C. is offered ELLIS, for Auctioneer. bargains.

11 AUCTION Chattel Mortgago Sale. We will sell on Thursday, February 11, commencing at 10 a. at the Houso Cleveland Storage of J. W. Stewart 52: Crio cor.

Ohio, a lot of good household furniture, ca chairs, carpets, silver plated ware, glassware, cook and parlor stoves. e.c., to satisty a mortgage given by M. M. Cox to James Hampton. Sale positive.

Terms 10 C. H. SEYMOUR SON, Auctioneers. Free to Everyone. Do You Want Do You Want Do You Want Do You Want Do You Want a Have You Rooms If so, insert a three Help? Rooms? Board? Boarders? Situation? to Rent? line advertisem*nt in the PLAIN DEALER'S Free Advertising columns on this page, and if you do not secure what you want on the first trial, do not hesitate to repeat the advertisem*nt until successful.

Advertisers should feel at perfect liberty 10 use these columns; the Plain Dealer is essentially a PEOPLE'S PAPER, and we expect the people to use its co umus freely in supplying their wants. Advertisem*nts of Special Wants. Such as Wanted Agents, Wanted to Rent Houses. Wanted Miscellaneous, For sale Real Estate, To Exchange, For Sale or Wanted to Buy Horses, Carriages, Machinery, Storo and Office Fixtures, Household Furniture, To Rent Dwelling House, To Rent Business Property, Money to Loan, Business Chances. Educational and Business Cards, will be inser.

ed in tHE PLAIN DEALEH, DAILY AND SUNDAY, at the rate of one cent a word the first insertion, and onehalf a cont A word for each subsequent insertion. (No advertisem*nts taken under these headings for less than 15c). For the convenience of advertisers not wishing to give their address in advertising we have a very complete and simple system, whereby you can have your correspondence addressed in care of this office. All advertisem*nts appear in both morning and evening editions. FOR SALE-HOUSES AND LOTS.

SALE--By Walton 13 Publio fine residence on north side of Superior, near also a growing property on north ante St. Clair, near Rond both at a bargain. 12 FOR SALE- Homes on Arlington court, near Cedar, with neoded improvements, elegantly paporod and painted, on monthly payments. Valton 13 Public sq. 15 FOR ward, SALE- Tom Fighteen lots Johnson's in the street Fourteenth rare line; small payment down, balance on long time.

Inquire 1136 Willson ave. 29 FOR SALE 95 -Tho feeton best two lot in the city for the money: good streets; ouly vacant lot in the neighborhood; price $1,500. 1. B. Read, 55 Euclid avo.

febtf SALE at 107 Mechanic large roomy house and lot 45x105 feet to an alloy, on easy terms. Inquire of L. E. Weber, 43 Mechanic st. 17 FOR SALE -Vacant lot on Lake wear Wood, 100x290 feet: will sell all half at a great bargain and rive satisfactory terns.

H. Main, 190 Superior Room 2. FOR SALE 14 -Two beautiful homes on Forest Ona a room house with all improvein(nts and lot 100x200 feet will be sold at a very low figure. 'The other, a model piace, with 60 feet of land, lam offering at a bargain H. Wain, 1 190 Superior Room 2.

jan28tf FOR brick SALE house, -On 14 Prospect rooms. nice west lot of and Perry; good barn; price $13,500. 11. Wain, 190 Superior Boom 2. TOR SALE residence on Willsou near high snool, hard wood finish, lot 6x200 feet.

For price, inquire of It. Wain, 190 Superior loom 2. jan28tf tween Hayward and Caso, 50x 150 feet; $80 SAL Vacant lot on Codar beper foot. Also house and lot Bolivar, near Erie, best investment on the street. I.

Wain, 100 Supe. tor Room 2. jan28tf FOR Seeyle SALE- One $4,000, of the aud best one on properties Sawtell, on very tine. $5,500, hardwood finish: also one fu same locality, 14 rooms. with all improvements, $1,000.

H. Wain, 190 Superior Room 2. jan21-tf FOR Painesville residence. Lake county, farm A midon, and Painesvile, 0. jan20-tt FOR Dect A Euclid good and list of Wilson property avenues, on Pros- ranging in price from $14,000 to $50,000.

I. Waln, 190 Superior room 2. Telepbone 35. FOR Park SALE Place, -House for and lot in $500 1 East cash and Cleveland, time to suit purchaser. Inquire of M.

Y. Hutton, 6 Rouse block. jy24tf FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. FOR land property. EXCHANGE I.

-1 B. nico Read, farm 55 for Euclid Cleve- ave. febitt FOR SALE- Fine farm of 47 acres near and on the main road: large house and outbuildings in good repair: farm is well fruited and adapted to all kinds of fruit: good gravel soil; a terms casy. 9. B.

A midon, Painesville. ja n20tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TOR SALE -An established millinery business Superior $500, a great bargain; stock And fixtures worth at least owner returning to Europe. Address Millinery, letter currier 39, city. 11 TOR Deinocratic, located ac thriving county seat in Democratic unty, aad is tho official organ.

G. S. New0 mi, 241 St. Clair Cleveland, 0. 13 TOR SALE -Drug stock and fixtureg very cheap for cash with term of payment to suit will exchange for vacant lot or small house and lot; business very profitable; such an opening seldom offered; reason for selling, medical practice requires all of owuer's time and attention.

Inquire of I. Wain, 190 Superior Room 2. feb3tt HORSES AND CARRIAGE I. TOR SALE -Span of fine carriage horzes. Apply at No.

13 East near Willson. 23 ITOR and SALE all right, -Two for fine half draft the sta price lions, usually sound asked, and will give part time or all time if deshed, taking good notes, giving buyer a chance to make out of horses before paying. One 7 years old. the other coming 5. Address C.

Morrison, Candeld, V. 13-1t FOR SALE on worth long of time; groceries, store-room all new: for loan rent and fixtures for sale. Koom 17, 208 Superior J. G. Corbess.

10 SALE -Pool table, Brunswick Balke's FOR improvement, only used four mouths, cost $250, sell for $160. Inquire or address J. 804 Payne ave. 10 FOR Johnson's SALE revised -Before to buying January, a 1826, Cyclop at dia C. see Unhain 18 Wick block 12 FOR SALE- Ata A great sacrifice.

Cleveland Everything Steam formerly used vompany's in the mill and office. including Cooked engire aud boilers. Inquire of IL. Wain, 190 Superior Room 2. octlitt FOR under carpets or papers, for wrapping suitable for papor, putting at PLAIN DEACER Counting Room.

DRESSMAKING. I 53 Public SCIENTIFIC square. DRESS Payments CUTTING week ly or monthly nortf STOCKIIOLDERS' MEETINGS. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI) INDIANAPOLIS HAILWAY, CLEVELAND, February iss6. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this company, for the clection of directors and for tho transaction of other bu iness, will be held at de office of the company iu Cleveland, 0., ou Wednesday, March 3 next, ut 10:30 o'clock a.

m. The transfer books will be closed from the evening of February 15 March t. mar3: G. H. MUSSELL, Secretary.

4 4.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.