His dad shot dead the man who abused him. He did not agree with it (2024)

Gary Plauche was waiting for Jeff Doucet as he arrived at the airport in Baton Rogue, Louisiana. Photo / Supplied

A man whose dad killed the paedophile who had kidnapped and abused him has spoken about the horrifying ordeal for the first time.

Jody was 11 when he was abducted and abused by paedophile Jeff Doucet. His dad, Gary Plauche, shot and killed the man who hurt his son, live on TV, as Doucet was marched through Baton Rouge Airport in Louisiana.

Doucet, a karate teacher, kidnapped Jody and took him to California where he abused him in a motel in March 1984.

The boy is now an adult and has written a book about the ordeal the paedophile put him through - and the actions of his father, who carried out the revenge killing.

While the public overwhelmingly supported the dad's killing of the paedophile, his own son Jody did not agree with his actions.

"At first I was upset with what my father did because at age 11 – I just wanted Jeff to stop and not necessarily dead," he said, quoted by The Sun.

Gary Plauche spent a weekend in prison over the killing but ended up getting a suspended sentence for manslaughter, as well as probation and community service.

The father made headlines when he shot the paedophile dead live on TV, as he arrived at the Baton Rouge airport, after being captured by police.

As the man arrived, and with local TV camera crews on the scene, the furious dad pulled the trigger and killed Doucet with a single shot to his head, at point blank range.

"Why, Gary, why?" a police officer could be heard saying, as he pinned down the father.

That plea from the police officer is the title of Jody Plauche's book about the incident.

His dad shot dead the man who abused him. He did not agree with it (1)

Jody still remembers seeing the footage of his father gunning down the paedophile who had abused him. He first saw it during the 6pm news.

"I had already looked at the paper, something I was told not to do. It was almost as if it wasn't real," he told The Sun.

He became obsessed with the footage and watched it "over and over".

He was first told what had happened by his mum, the following morning, while at his grandparents' house.

"Last night, Daddy shot Jeff," his mum told him.

He burst into tears and felt "mad" that his dad had killed Doucet.

His dad shot dead the man who abused him. He did not agree with it (2)

He does not agree with those who think of his dad as a hero for his act of vigilante justice.

"I think for a lot of people who have not been satisfied by the American justice system my dad stands as a symbol of justice," he said.

"My dad did what everybody says what they would do yet only few have done it. Plus, he didn't go to jail."

"That said, I cannot and will condone his behaviour. I understand why he did what he did.

"But it is more important for a parent to be there to help support their child than put themselves in a place to be prosecuted."

The killing of Doucet damaged the relationship between Jody and his dad, Gary, for a while.

"It took a few months before things got back to normal. As far as regret, of course he regrets the whole thing happened but he never regretted his action," Jody told The Sun.

"Being Catholic I believe having taken a human life, his first thoughts were that he was going to hell … and he was okay with that.

"But the local priest washed his feet and gave his absolution and forgiveness from God so I think that helped him mentally deal with the event."

Jody explains he is not angry at Doucet, but he now understands the paedophile was a "complete sociopath".

Gary died from a stroke in 2014 but always maintained he would have killed the man who abused his son again.

Jody has now released the book about the ordeal, and hopes it will help other victims of abuse.

If it's an emergency and you feel that you or someone else is at risk, call 111.

If you've ever experienced sexual assault or abuse and need to talk to someone, contact Safe to Talk confidentially, any time 24/7:
• Call 0800 044 334
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If you have been sexually assaulted, remember it's not your fault.

His dad shot dead the man who abused him. He did not agree with it (2024)


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