Albert Dieudonné Famous For (2024)

1. Albert Dieudonné - European Film Star Postcards

  • 9 jan 2024 · Albert Dieudonné (1889-1976) was a French actor, author and director, who became famous as the title character in Abel Gance's epic film Napoléon (1927).

  • A blog about cinema, film stars and vintage postcards.

Albert Dieudonné - European Film Star Postcards

2. Albert Dieudonne | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Albert Dieudonne made his mark in the world of entertainment when he acted in Napoleon (1929). In 1921, he made his directorial debut with Sous la griffe.

  • Explore the filmography of Albert Dieudonne on Rotten Tomatoes! Discover ratings, reviews, and more. Click for details!

3. Napoléon (French, by Abel Gance with Albert Dieudonné)

Napoléon (French, by Abel Gance with Albert Dieudonné)

4. Albert Dieudonné - Wikidata

  • French actor, screenwriter, film director and novelist.

  • French actor, screenwriter, film director and novelist (1889–1976)

Albert Dieudonné - Wikidata

5. Albert Dieudonné | Criticless

  • Albert Dieudonné was a French actor,screenwriter, film director and novelist. Dieudonné was born in Paris, France, and made his acting debut in silent film ...

  • Albert Dieudonné was a French actor,screenwriter, film director and novelist. Dieudonné was born in Paris, France, and made his acting debut in silent film in 1908 for The Assassination of the Du...

Albert Dieudonné | Criticless

6. Albert Dieudonné – The Realm of Silence

  • Parallel to this social/religious story is the melodrama of Geneviève's infatuation for Rumph (Sylvio De Pedrelli), Novalic's son from a liaison with an Indian ...

  • Posts about Albert Dieudonné written by Paul Cuff

Albert Dieudonné – The Realm of Silence

7. I, Napoleon: Blurred Boundaries in Napoleonic Performance

  • The French actor Albert Dieudonné (1889-1976) is best known for his extraordinary performance as Napoleon – or, more specifically, Bonaparte – in Abel ...

  • The French actor Albert Dieudonné (1889-1976) is best known for his extraordinary performance as Napoleon – or, more specifically, Bonaparte – in Abel Gance’s silent epic Napoléon vu par Abel Gance (1927). For the rest of his life, rumours abounded that Dieudonné had actually come to believe he really was Napoleon. In this respect, he was part of a long tradition of fluid boundaries between actor and role in Napoleonic performance in France. What makes Dieudonné so distinctive, however, is not just the quality of his performance, nor his inability to let go of being Bonaparte – but his explicit engagement in later works with the meaning and power of playing Napoleon. This chapter situates his legendary performance in the wider context of Napoleonic performance in French theatre and cinema, exploring Dieudonné’s later relationship to Napoleon as historical figure and as role through his work as a novelist, director, and playwright.

I, Napoleon: Blurred Boundaries in Napoleonic Performance

8. ALBERT DIEUDONNE in NAPOLEON [1926], 1927, directed by ABEL ...

  • Download this stock image (alb486865) from - ALBERT DIEUDONNE in NAPOLEON [1926], 1927, directed by ABEL GANCE ... HISTORIC (GENRE) • HISTORIC ...

  • Download this stock image (alb486865) from - ALBERT DIEUDONNE in NAPOLEON [1926], 1927, directed by ABEL GANCE. Copyright SOCIETE GENERALE DE FILMS/GAUMONT/MGM.

ALBERT DIEUDONNE in NAPOLEON [1926], 1927, directed by ABEL ...

9. LWFM Figures of HISTORY

  • As portrayed by actor Albert Dieudonne, his epic performance in the 1927 ABEL GANCE classic Silent film left me stirred and thunderstruck. This amazing ...

  • Historic figure Napoleon custom Jack Sparrow Pirates

Albert Dieudonné Famous For (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.